Sunday, June 2, 2013

What I have learned from Geometry, Art and Architecture

While most of my focus has been on specifically Roman architecture over the last trimester, I have also learned a lot about art and architecture in general, and I have enjoyed the class because it gave me the opportunity to do and learn things, that I maybe never would.

The first instance of this that comes to mind is the platonic shapes project. I probably would have never done origami had it not been for that project. I had always thought of origami as being a really boring, repetitive task, however after trying it, I found I enjoyed it. I liked the feeling of accomplishment when I saw the final product there in front of me after hours of mindlessly folding paper. Even after I had turned in my shapes I continued to try more origami just because I saw all the cool things everybody else had made and wanted to see what else I could do.

Then,  after watching the movie in class, I really learned the math behind the origami (which was what I enjoyed more). I thought it was really cool to see an actual method behind all the amazing figures people had made. Because as I sat working on I wondered how, and who first was able to design the figures I was making.

As well as platonic shapes, going into the perspective drawing section, I had no idea what I was doing. I had never drawn anything in perspective before and the thought of drawing anything in 3D other than just a cube in space didn't make any sense to me (you can see my beginning stages on the back of my final copy, it's horrendous). However, after doing more rough drafts, it started to make more sense to me and eventually I got to a point where I was able to draw multiple objects in specific places in a room.

I enjoyed this section because it made me think in a way I had never thought before. I had never thought to even try to draw three- dimensionally until this assignment, however when it was finished I was happy with the new skill I had developed.

And while learning Roman architecture, I had very little knowledge of why or how the Romans made things. However, over the trimester, I learned a lot more about their innovations and contribution to modern day society and I have really gained a new respect for them because of all they were able to accomplish so long ago with such little recources compared to what we have today. It wasn't until this class that I was really able to come to appreciate art and architecture more, because before-hand I didn't know of all the thought and complexity behind some of the things that seem so simple.

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